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Uber Eats でお好きな料理をご注文ください


Uber Eats でお好きな料理をご注文ください

    1. アメリカ合衆国
    2. California


    Uber Eats を利用すると、Californiaで人気の飲食店の料理を配達で楽しめます。朝、昼、晩の食事から小腹を満たす軽食まで、Californiaで注文できる新しいお店や近くの飲食店を Uber Eats で簡単に見つけてください。豊富なメニューを検索し、フードデリバリーを注文して、配達状況を分単位で確認できます。

    California food delivery and takeout

    With 80 restaurants in California on Uber Eats, including The Ice Cream Shop (802 J ST), Halal Muncheez, and BPM: Burgers, Pizza + More, you’ll have your pick of places from which to order food online. Get food, from pizza to sushi, from some of the best restaurants in California delivered to your door. If you’d prefer to get your takeout yourself, simply browse California restaurants offering pickup.

    California restaurants near you that deliver

    Uber Eats helps you find food delivery and pickup options from a wide selection of places to eat in California. Enter an address to browse California restaurants and cafes offering food delivery. See California restaurants on Uber Eats that you’ve never tried? View their menus and star ratings to help decide if you’d like to try their food.

    Best restaurants in California

    On a quest to taste the best food in California? Search for famous restaurants in California or for your personal favorite places to eat in California to see if they offer food delivery with Uber Eats. Sometimes the best food is just what you’re craving so if you know what you’d like to eat, browse California restaurants that deliver by cuisine or dish.