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    魚べい delivered to your door

      魚べい delivery and takeout in Kakogawa

      Find a Kakogawa 魚べい near you. Browse its menu, order your favorite items, and track delivery to your door.

      Featured items
      From 魚べい 加古川別府店
      From 魚べい 加古川別府店
      セットメニュー Set Menu
      From 魚べい 加古川別府店
      お手軽セット Casual Set
      From 魚べい 加古川別府店
      どんぶり Rice Bowl
      From 魚べい 加古川別府店
      特選海鮮丼 Special Selection Seafood Rice Bowl
      【商品説明】まぐろ・サーモン・いか・活け〆蒸しえび・いくら・びん長まぐろ・北海道ほたて・ほっき貝・まぐろたたき・たまご・大葉 ※中身の変更はお断りさせていただきます。また、シャリ、がり等の【大盛り、少なめ】等の対応もお断りさせていただきます。何卒ご了承くださいませ。【提供方法】使い捨て容器に入れてご提供いたします。【注意事項】※生もののため、天候等により欠品または品切れとなる場合がございます。※季節により内容を一部変更する場合がございます。※本わさび本来の品質と香りをお客様に味わっていただくために、全商品わさび抜きで提供しております。別添えの「小袋わさび」をつけてお召し上がりください。 [Contents] Tuna, salmon, squid, steamed shrimp, salmon roe, longfin, Hokkaido scallops, ark shell, pressed tuna, eggs, cucumbers. *We cannot accept requests to change the contents. Larger/smaller portion of rice not available. Please understand. [Delivery] Served in a disposable container. [Warning] *All products are fresh: there might be missing/unavailable kinds due to weather, supply etc. *Some kinds may change according to the season. *In order to let you savor all the original taste of wasabi, all of our sushi is prepared without wasabi. Please use the included "wasabi packet" as you wish.
      特選海鮮丼 (シャリ大盛)Special Selection Seafood Rice Bowl ( Large serving of sushi rice)
      【商品説明】まぐろ・サーモン・いか・活け〆蒸しえび・いくら・びん長まぐろ・北海道ほたて・ほっき貝・まぐろたたき・たまご・大葉 ※中身の変更はお断りさせていただきます。また、シャリ、がり等の【大盛り、少なめ】等の対応もお断りさせていただきます。何卒ご了承くださいませ。【提供方法】使い捨て容器に入れてご提供いたします。【注意事項】※生もののため、天候等により欠品または品切れとなる場合がございます。※季節により内容を一部変更する場合がございます。※本わさび本来の品質と香りをお客様に味わっていただくために、全商品わさび抜きで提供しております。別添えの「小袋わさび」をつけてお召し上がりください。 [Contents] Tuna, salmon, squid, steamed shrimp, salmon roe, longfin, Hokkaido scallops, ark shell, pressed tuna, eggs, cucumbers. *We cannot accept requests to change the contents. Larger/smaller portion of rice not available. Please understand. [Delivery] Served in a disposable container. [Warning] *All products are fresh: there might be missing/unavailable kinds due to weather, supply etc. *Some kinds may change according to the season. *In order to let you savor all the original taste of wasabi, all of our sushi is prepared without wasabi. Please use the included "wasabi packet" as you wish.
      巻物・いなり・手巻き Rolls - Inari Sushi - Handmade Rolls
      From 魚べい 加古川別府店
      単品 A La Carte
      From 魚べい 加古川別府店

      1 魚べい location in Kakogawa

      Frequently asked questions

      How do I order 魚べい online?

      Once you’ve selected a 魚べい location to order from in Kakogawa, you can browse its menu, select the items you’d like to purchase, and place your 魚べい delivery order online.

      Does 魚べい deliver to my area?

      Enter your delivery address to see if there’s a 魚べい in Kakogawa on Uber Eats that offers delivery to you.

      Are the 魚べい menu prices the same on Uber Eats?

      The 魚べい menu prices listed on Uber Eats may differ from what’s listed at the restaurant.

      When can I order 魚べい in Kakogawa?

      We’ll show you the business hours of every 魚べい restaurant in Kakogawa offering delivery on Uber Eats. Select a 魚べい near you to see when they’re open for delivery.

      Can I customize my 魚べい delivery order on Uber Eats?

      You may have the opportunity to leave a note for the kitchen and/or customize the 魚べい menu items you want to order.

      Can I buy drinks when I order 魚べい delivery?

      You should be able to order any of the 魚べい menu items listed on a restaurant’s page on Uber Eats, including drinks, unless marked as unavailable or otherwise noted.

      Can I schedule 魚べい delivery using Uber Eats?

      Uber Eats lets you order food now and schedule food delivery for later. See if the Kakogawa 魚べい you’d like to order from lets you schedule delivery for the time you’re interested in.

      Can I order pick-up from a 魚べい near me?

      You can opt to place a pick-up order or dine-in order with certain restaurants using Uber Eats in some cities. Learn more about placing a pick-up order.