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Hot Wok Chinese Restaurant

Hot Wok Chinese Restaurant

4.4 xStar (210+)ChinesaAsiáticaAsian fusionInformações

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1050 East Ray Road, Chandler, AZ 85225

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Classificação e comentários


StarStarStarStarStar outline

210+ Classificações

"They followed the instructions perfectly the soup and the sushi was amazing. I would definitely order from here again."

 • Kelly H. • 14/12/23

"Food was fresh and flavorful. we enjoyed all of our dish selections"

 • Karen S. • 02/11/23

xTag Taxa de entrega: $0

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para ver o tempo de entrega


11:45 - 21:00 • Menu

12:00 - 21:00 • Dinner_Menu

Segunda-feira - Sábado

10:45 - 21:00 • Menu

11:00 - 21:00 • Dinner_Menu
