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Don Chuys Authentic Mexican Restaurant

Don Chuys Authentic Mexican Restaurant

4.7 xStar (1,500+)TacosBurritos$$Informações

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10708 Jefferson Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230, USA

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Classificação e comentários


StarStarStarStarStar outline

1500+ Classificações

"Delicious, but would have been more delish with the homemade corn tortillas I ordered that were left out."

 • Patricia A. • 25/02/23

"DonChuys is my family favorite place to go. Family own they make their food with lots of love."

 • Monica M. • 10/08/24

xTag Taxa de entrega: $0

Outras taxas xCircle i

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para ver o tempo de entrega


9:00 - 19:45 • Menu

9:00 - 19:45 • Breakfast

Segunda-feira - Terça-feira

10:00 - 19:45 • Menu

10:00 - 19:45 • Breakfast

Quarta-feira - Quinta-feira

9:00 - 8:59 • Menu

10:00 - 19:45 • Menu

10:00 - 19:45 • Breakfast


10:00 - 19:45 • Menu

10:00 - 19:45 • Breakfast


9:00 - 19:45 • Breakfast
