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Ding Tea Eagle Rock

Ding Tea Eagle Rock

4.9 xStar (1,000+)AsiáticaBolos e docesSucos e VitaminasTea & Coffee$Informações

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2114 Colorado Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90041

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1000+ Classificações

"Signature milk tea with boba is so addictive. It’s clearly becoming daily habit that needs to be cancelled. Is there a boba rehab program? Just saying…"

 • Charize Pauline S. • 22/08/23

"Ding Tea is the best. Delivery was fast and drinks are great. I just wish they didn’t use so much plastic."

 • Louise P. • 09/09/24

xTag Taxa de entrega: $0

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Todos os dias

11:00 - 22:30


11:00 AM – 10:30 PM
