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Cheek's Chicken - Manchester

Cheek's Chicken - Manchester

4.5 xStar (470+)AmericanaHambúrgueresFrango$Informações

648 Center St

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470+ Classificações

"Came super fast and tasted like chicken good chicken but there are waffles so it’s like chicken and waffles but the chicken’s really good so it’s not just chicken and the waffles is really good so that would mean that in a really real universe know as this one it’s really ok but it good so it really good but it’s amazing so it’s amazing chicken but they waffllle good so waffle good chicken good i mean amazing so it’s amazing chicken and rice"

 • Kenzie S. • 17/06/23

"The chicken tenders/waffle sandwhich was sooo big i couldn’t finish. It was also really really good. the sweetness of the waffles with their chicken was probably some of the best chicken and waffles i’ve had in CT"

 • Victoria V. • 28/11/23

xTag Taxa de entrega: $0

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Domingo - Quinta-feira

11:00 - 22:00

Sexta-feira - Sábado

11:00 - 23:00


11:00 AM – 11:00 PM
