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Artistic pizza

Artistic pizza

4.7 x (390+)PizzasAmericanaItaliana$Informações

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123 W 3rd St, New York, NY 10012

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390+ Classificações

"Very Good pizza is one of my favorite dishes. The crust is perfectly crispy and the toppings are always fresh and flavorful. I love how the cheese melts and stretches with each bite. The combination of flavors is just perfect. Every time I take a bite of this pizza, it feels like I'm in food heaven. I can never get enough of this delicious pizza."

 • Md S. • 01/03/24

"High recommended to share everybody."

 • Akram F. • 01/03/24

xTag Taxa de entrega: $0

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para ver o tempo de entrega

Domingo - Quinta-feira

10:15 - 1:45

Sexta-feira - Sábado

10:15 - 3:30


10:15 AM – 1:45 AM
