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Zalim (Hot Chicken & Burgers)

Zalim (Hot Chicken & Burgers)

4.6 xStar (430+)버거샌드위치치킨할랄정보

3 East Palisade Avenue

집으로 배달받으세요.

별점 및 리뷰


StarStarStarStarStar outline

별점 430+개

"The Nashville chicken sandwich was amazing!!! Chicken was nice and crunchy, the different ingredients on the sandwich made every bite different and full of flavor. The bread was nice and soft so it went perfect with the crunchiness of the chicken"

 • Maria O. • 24. 05. 11.

"I’ve met my match, no other restaurant can match my level of loving spicy foods, til i tried your hottest sauce. I’m on fire and i love it! Sweating, crying with every bite… will order again"

 • Sagar J. • 24. 07. 30.

xTag 배달비 $0

신규 고객

주소 입력

배달 시간 확인하기

일요일 - 목요일

오전 11:00 - 오후 9:45

금요일 - 토요일

오전 11:00 - 오후 10:45


11:00 AM – 9:45 PM
