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Souvlaki GR - LES

Souvlaki GR - LES

4.8 xStar (4,000+)그리스식지중해식유럽식Family MealsGroup Friendly$$정보

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116 Stanton St, New York, NY 10002, USA

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별점 4000+개

"Honestly very good Greek food! Everything I ordered was delicious. High quality meat and ingredients and the Pita is delicious! Befteki was soooo good. Pork, chicken, and beef skewers were delicious!"

 • Elizabeth C. • 24. 03. 27.

"Takes me back to traditional Greece Souvlaki with the fries, tomato, tzatziki!"

 • Eliza B. • 24. 08. 27.

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오전 11:00 - 오후 10:45 • Menu

오전 11:00 - 오후 4:00 • LUNCH SPECIALS LES


오전 11:00 - 오후 10:45 • Menu
