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Salt Pepper Ketchup

Salt Pepper Ketchup

4.6 xStar (370+)버거샌드위치정보

x 매장 직원이 배달

230 Central Ave, Hawthorne, NJ 07506, USA

집으로 배달받으세요.

별점 및 리뷰


StarStarStarStarStar outline

별점 370+개

"This is an all around great place! The owner is extremely nice and charismatic and while your waiting for your food you can vibe to the great music playing at the store. The food is beyond amazing, my personal favorite is the chopped cheese and their variety of empanadas!!"

 • Brian J. • 24. 09. 09.

"This place is really good, everything I’ve tried was excellent. Tres Golpes Sliders and the buffalo salad are recommended!"

 • Zachary M. • 23. 11. 10.

xTag 배달비 $0

신규 고객

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배달 시간 확인하기

일요일 - 월요일
화요일 - 금요일

오전 8:00 - 오후 1:30


오전 9:00 - 오후 5:00


8:00 AM – 1:30 PM
