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Uber Eats 홈
Location marker주소 입력Chevron down small
Namaste- Park Slope

Namaste- Park Slope

4.7 x (1,500+)인도식CurryRice채식 식단가족용Group Friendly$$정보

195 5th Ave, NY 11217

집으로 배달받으세요.

별점 및 리뷰


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별점 1500+개

"Namaste shines for the quality of the food, the perfect combination of flavors and the excellent naans. We ordered for a late diner party and our guests enjoyed the food very much. The dishes were send with care. Thank you!"

 • Maria H B. • 24. 06. 19.

"Tasty, beautiful presentation and attention to detail, and above all followed allergy related requests perfectly!"

 • Nyx H. • 23. 11. 14.

x 배달비 $0

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배달 시간 확인하기


오전 11:00 - 오후 10:50 • Menu

오전 11:00 - 오후 4:00 • Special Lunch Boxes To Go
