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Kyuramen-Garden City

Kyuramen-Garden City

4.6 xStar (600+)라멘일본식가정식아시아식정보

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988 Franklin Avenue

집으로 배달받으세요.

별점 및 리뷰


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별점 600+개

"ramen was great. noodles came separate from the broth so they were just right. packaging is recyclable or bio degradable. Iced green tea with mango exploding balls was great."

 • Edward A. • 23. 12. 23.

"This place is always delicious! Sometimes the bamboo shoots make the broth funky so I opt to leave them out. 10/10 best ramen."

 • Sam S. • 24. 03. 15.

xTag 배달비 $0

신규 고객

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배달 시간 확인하기

일요일 - 목요일

오전 11:00 - 오후 9:15

금요일 - 토요일

오전 11:00 - 오후 9:45

  • 추천 아이템

  • Full Menu

    11:00 AM – 9:15 PM
