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Hidden Grounds Coffee

Hidden Grounds Coffee

4.8 xStar (120+)미국식아침 식사 및 브런치커피와 차정보

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148 1st Street

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별점 120+개

"this was delicious. I'm not a coffee person by any means, but this was fantastic. there was different notes of flavor that I've never experienced when drinking coffee. and galub jamun is often too sweet for me but their apple donut from it was 100/10"

 • Jara B. • 24. 02. 11.

"Their coffee is my happy place. Picked me up from many an unhappy place"

 • Heather S. • 24. 04. 04.

xTag 배달비 $0

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배달 시간 확인하기


오전 8:00 - 오후 5:30

월요일 - 금요일

오전 7:00 - 오후 5:30


오전 8:00 - 오후 5:30

Main Menu

7:00 AM – 5:30 PM
