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Halal BOi Pizza, Sandwich's and Platters

Halal BOi Pizza, Sandwich's and Platters

4.5 xStar (500+)피자할랄치킨중동식샌드위치샌드위치치킨윙샐러드샐러드이탈리아식정보

36-18 30th Avenue, Queens, NY 11103

집으로 배달받으세요.

별점 및 리뷰


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별점 500+개

"I recommend getting the fried Oreo and the sweet chili chicken pizza and a soda that right there is flavor heaven would recommend this spot to anytime"

 • KARIM I. • 23. 11. 20.

"It was the first time ordering their delicious sandwiches and we were given an additional free meal. Can’t get better than that."

 • Ryan A. • 23. 08. 20.

xTag 배달비 $0

신규 고객

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배달 시간 확인하기

일요일 - 수요일

오전 11:00 - 오후 11:30


오전 11:00 - 오전 12:30

금요일 - 토요일

오전 11:00 - 오전 1:30


11:00 AM – 12:30 AM
