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Fluffies Hot Chicken - Bayonne

Fluffies Hot Chicken - Bayonne

4.6 xStar (3,000+)미국식샌드위치할랄Group FriendlyUber Eats 독점 제공Comfort Food치킨윙Group Friendly샌드위치치킨남아시아식한 그릇 음식정보

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492 Broadway

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별점 3000+개

"Fluffies Hot chicken delivered a chicken Mac plate last night along with a plate of cole slaw It was incredible. To tell you the truth , I enjoyed them. Please try it when ordering."

 • Jeanmarie O. • 24. 12. 01.

"Chicken and Mac and cheese are perfect. The chicken has a sweet heat to it while the mac and cheese and creamy and savory! Absolutely delectable, would a order again!"

 • Matthew H. • 23. 08. 23.

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오전 12:00 - 오전 2:00 • Menu

오전 10:45 - 오후 11:59 • Menu

월요일 - 금요일

오전 10:45 - 오후 11:59 • Menu


오전 12:00 - 오전 2:00 • Menu

오전 10:45 - 오후 11:59 • Menu


10:45 AM – 11:59 PM
