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Fantasy Cuisine

Fantasy Cuisine

4.7 xStar (1,500+)중식아시아식면류가족용Group Friendly$정보

20 N Central Ave, Hartsdale, NY 10530

집으로 배달받으세요.

별점 및 리뷰


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별점 1500+개

"Flavor and quality of food has never left me disappointed. The spices are amazing! Especially the dry pepper style fish! The soup dumplings with pork and crab are the best ones I’ve had! Highly recommend!"

 • Hokulani H. • 23. 01. 26.

"Love this place. Always go here with my family. Glad y’all expanded your delivery area to include me so I can order now vs dining in! Thanks"

 • Melissa B. • 23. 07. 02.

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배달 시간 확인하기

일요일 - 월요일

오전 11:30 - 오후 8:18 • Menu

화요일 - 목요일

오전 11:30 - 오후 8:18 • Menu

오전 11:30 - 오후 3:00 • Lunch


오전 11:30 - 오후 8:45 • Menu

오전 11:30 - 오후 3:00 • Lunch


오전 11:30 - 오후 8:45 • Menu
