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The Patio Fine Thai Cuisine

The Patio Fine Thai Cuisine

4.8 xStar (2,000+)ThaïlandaiseAsiatiqueVégétarienne (si demandé)$$Informations

524 15th Ave E

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Notes et commentaires


StarStarStarStarStar outline

2000+ évaluations

"The many Thai dishes were all correctly ordered. The sauces were individually packaged with each Thai dish so the right sauce accompanied the right food!"

 • Carl M. • 09/10/24

"Incredible food, also was accommodating of allergies just call and ask about menu items you're interested in"

 • Brandon M. • 03/01/24

xTag Frais de livraison à $0

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pour voir l'heure de livraison


11:00 - 22:00 • Menu

Lundi - Vendredi

10:00 - 23:59 • Menu

11:00 - 22:00 • Menu

11:00 - 14:00 • Lunch Menu


11:00 - 22:00 • Menu
