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Stone Brick Oven Pizza

Stone Brick Oven Pizza

3.7 xStar (170+)Frais de livraison à $4.99ItalienneAméricainePizzasInformations

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811 Hamilton Xing

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170+ évaluations

"their pizza is awesome. not too much crust sauce or cheese, just the right amount. and the wings we order extra crispy and they haven't failed us yet!"

 • Elisabeth C. • 03/06/24

"Amazing taste! Best mozzarella sticks we’ve ever had! Crust on the sandwich was awesome and lasagna perfectly seasoned!"

 • STEFAN G. • 06/02/24

Frais de livraison à $4.99

Prix et frais

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pour voir l'heure de livraison

Tous les jours

13:00 - 3:15


1:00 PM – 3:15 AM
