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La Fuente Mexican Restaurant  Lewisburg

La Fuente Mexican Restaurant Lewisburg

4.3 xStar (38)MexicaineLatino-américaineMexicaine (moderne)Informations

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505 E Church St

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38 évaluations

"One of our favorite spots to eat in Lewisburg! So happy to be able to have it delivered when we have been working all day and don't want to venture all the way to Lewisburg from Petersburg."

 • Judy H. • 18/02/24

"This is one of our favorite dining spots in Lewisburg! Always have great food and service!"

 • Judy H. • 22/10/23

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pour voir l'heure de livraison


11:00 - 20:30 • Menu

Lundi - Jeudi

11:00 - 20:30 • Menu

11:00 - 15:00 • Lunch

Vendredi - Samedi

11:00 - 21:30 • Menu

11:00 - 15:00 • Lunch
