2000+ calificaciones
4.8 x (2,000+) • Mediterránea • Griega • Vegetariana • $$ • Información
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1231a East Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28203
2000+ calificaciones
"Yafo has always been one of my favorite fast casual restaurants, but I would normally walk in to order given many places tend to get the pick up order wrong or the food is late and gets cold. Not with Yafo! My food arrived right on expected time, and the food was made exactly as ordered. I highly recommend Yafo to anyone! 5/5 stars"
"We always order from Yafo. We tried something different this time. Loved it!"
x Costo de envío a $0
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para ver la hora de entrega
11:00 a. m. - 9:00 p. m.
•2000+ calificaciones •
54 opiniones
Great food
The bowl is a great option
We always order from Yafo. We tried something different this time. Loved it!
huge portions, great flavors. love. \n\n10x better than CAVA
I like it.
Very good falafel pita if you ask me ! And the potato’s are delicious!
Need something savory, spicy and unique and Yafo Kitchen delivered.
Great as always.
So so good. Healthy & delicious 🤤
It was simple and delicious.
Food always hits the spot
Great food and delivery
Yafo has always been one of my favorite fast casual restaurants, but I would normally walk in to order given many places tend to get the pick up order wrong or the food is late and gets cold. Not with Yafo! My food arrived right on expected time, and the food was made exactly as ordered. I highly recommend Yafo to anyone! 5/5 stars
Very veggie heavy to keep you full & satisfied.
Delicious food every time
it tastes good
Easy and fast
Build your own bowl with falafel yummy
Fresh, flavorful, delicious and still warm.
Very well seasoned and flavorful.
Never disappoints
The absolute best Mediterranean meal in Charlotte. Hands down.
Great service !
Lots of flavor!
One of my favorite Mediterranean spots!
Food is great, fresh, and delicious
Hands down they have the best falafel in the city.
Feel super lucky to have happened upon this place. Really yummy food.
Always Tasty and Fresh
I love the flavor and all the veggies
So good!
Great food, great service.
Muy bien
Great food
Good fresh food
Fresh, Healthy and Delicious
Great price and delicious and healthy.
delicious healthy
Nice food
Pure perfection!
Already love this place. We eat here so often
Always delicious and lots of healthy options
Healthy and filling.
Good as always
Great choices
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