410+ calificaciones
4.6 x (410+) • Sándwiches • Americana • Hamburguesas • Información
16710 Birkdale Commons Parkway, Huntersville, NC 28078
410+ calificaciones
"The chicken was falling off the bone good! The collards and broccoli casserole were seasoned perfectly. I also enjoyed the banana pudding. It had the meringue inside. It was delicious! Loved the hushpuppies as well."
"Omg. Bbq best ever had in this area. we have lived here 40 years. wonderful!"
x Costo de envío a $0
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11:00 a. m. - 9:00 p. m.
11:00 a. m. - 10:00 p. m.
•410+ calificaciones •
21 opiniones
Excellent As Always
very good
Great food. Super flavorful and delicious.
Omg. Bbq best ever had in this area. we have lived here 40 years. wonderful!
Brisket was great!
Best BBQ in town
The food tasted amazing!!!
good food
desert was the best
Ribs are my favorite with the sc mustard sauce!! So tender and delicious!
very tasty
Consistently good!!
Great food. Good service. Good atmosphere.
Always really good
Great ribs
Great food!
Great food
The chicken was falling off the bone good! The collards and broccoli casserole were seasoned perfectly. I also enjoyed the banana pudding. It had the meringue inside. It was delicious! Loved the hushpuppies as well.
Sí. Las entregas de Midwood Smokehouse - Birkdale a domicilio están disponibles en la app de Uber Eats en Huntersville.
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