310+ calificaciones
4.3 x (310+) • Pollo • Hamburguesas • Información
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391 Peninsula Boulevard, Suit G, Hempstead, NY 11550
310+ calificaciones
"The food was delicious. It was seasoned well, hot and fresh. I love the Rasta pasta. The oxtail was tender and the jerk chicken was great. I will definitely order from here again."
"I ordered the oxtail and grits.. When I always it was heaven I mean it. That was made with so much love I ended up ordering it later that evening for my family to try... loved it."
x Costo de envío a $0
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11:00 a. m. - 6:00 p. m.
8:30 a. m. - 8:45 p. m.
9:00 a. m. - 8:45 p. m.
•310+ calificaciones •
24 opiniones
I ordered the oxtail and grits.. When I always it was heaven I mean it. That was made with so much love I ended up ordering it later that evening for my family to try... loved it.
Food is great and the buy one get one free is awesome 👍
The Mac and cheese is HIGHLY recommended, the fry chicken is also good, overall great food. Worth it and fast delivery through Uber eats.
One of the best Jamaican restaurants I’ve tried!
best on the island
consistency is key!!! they definitely got it for sure
Was tasty 🚀
This food was so delicious!!!!! Best Shrimp and grits ever!!!
Awesome food!!
Food warm and cooked perfectly
My goodness…… so freaking good jerk shrimp steam veggies and mashed potatoes!!!
Good food
The food was delicious. It was seasoned well, hot and fresh. I love the Rasta pasta. The oxtail was tender and the jerk chicken was great. I will definitely order from here again.
Love my food!
shrimp and grits were amazing !?!?!
Very good quality food
Good food
The Rasta Pasta is the best I've had, it truly tastes like it was made to order.
Fresh and good food
Jerk Burgers are A1 and the Rasta Pasta is good as well
Food was delicious. I got the oxtails mac & cheese and the sorrel wings.
The food tastes really good
Great food
The food is delicious!!!!
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