900+ calificaciones
900+ calificaciones
"Delicious food across the board, ingredients taste incredibly fresh and everything was perfectly cooked with great contrast between the snap of the vegetables and the toothy, juicy delight of the meat."
"The vegan options were phenomenal. They didn’t just have vegan options but they were actually really good, best mapo tofu and best dumplings I’ve had in Seattle"
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11:00 a. m. - 9:00 p. m. • Menu
11:00 a. m. - 2:30 p. m. • Menu
4:00 p. m. - 10:00 p. m. • Menu
11:00 a. m. - 2:30 p. m. • Menu
4:00 p. m. - 11:00 p. m. • Menu
11:00 a. m. - 11:00 p. m. • Menu
•900+ calificaciones •
31 opiniones
Love it.
Dumplings were the real star
amazing vegan soup dumplings!!
The best noodles in town!!
Soup dumplings were great and generally food was really tasty!
It never misses, always do good!
The seasonal vegetables was broccoli, the cucumber and woodear salad was great, and the majority tofu was spicy but not too spicy.
the flavours are very addictive
The soup dumpling sampler and Szechuan chili oil wontons were absolutely delicious. I will be visiting to dine in soon!
The cucumber salad…so refreshing and 麻辣!
Very flavorful dumplings
Great food, freshly made.
Delicious food across the board, ingredients taste incredibly fresh and everything was perfectly cooked with great contrast between the snap of the vegetables and the toothy, juicy delight of the meat.
I eat there 3X a week, should say it all
I wish my son didn't eat so much so could have enjoyed more of my favorites
Great food
it was very good best I've had through Uber eats
Great soup, felt like I was back in China.
Always delicious!
The bomb
Those chili noodles were to die for
Delicious hot and sour soup and tasty fried rice!
Everything was good. Nothing exceeded expectations, but everything was tasty. Gotta try the jelly ice now.
Bro the truffle soup dumplings are sooooo good
The vegan options were phenomenal. They didn’t just have vegan options but they were actually really good, best mapo tofu and best dumplings I’ve had in Seattle
Delicious, some of the best dumplings in Seattle
Some of the best dumplings in Seattle and everything else is fresh and delicious!
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