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Los Hombres Tacos & Burritos

Los Hombres Tacos & Burritos

4.6 xStar (120+)مأكولات مكسيكيةمأكولات إسبانيةأطعمة تبعث على الراحةمناسب للأطفالأطعمة شعبية$معلومات

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4499 West Cerritos Avenue

التوصيل إلى باب منزلك.

التقييم والتعليقات


StarStarStarStarStar outline

120+ من التقييمات

"Bit into the taco and thought I'd gone to heaven. Costly but the size and taste was worth every penny. The carne asada with fries and cheese was awesome. Can't wait to order again and again and ...."

 • Elvia H. • ٠٧‏/١٠‏/٢٢

"You are the best. Great cooks, great packaging, appropriate portions for price, great customer service. Gave neighbor a taco and she could not believe how delicious it was."

 • Elvia H. • ١١‏/١٠‏/٢٢

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أدخِل العنوان

لمعرفة وقت التوصيل

الأحد - الأربعاء

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الجمعة - السبت

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الأحد 7:00 AM – 7:30 PM
