500+ من التقييمات
4.7 x (500+) • مأكولات مكسيكية • الإفطار والإفطار المتأخر • مأكولات بحرية • $ • معلومات
x خدمة التوصيل غير متوفّرة
960 East Badillo Street, Covina, CA 91724
500+ من التقييمات
"so far it's only store that understands what I mean by no cilantro & onion on my food. Usually people take my words but prepare the meal without them which ruins my appetite. I tried this place 3 times and their food & service are perfect everytime!"
"Got the chorizo burrito and it was delicious. Not too greasy and just perfect amount of potatoes and chorizo."
x رسوم خدمة توصيل بقيمة $0
الرسوم الأخرى x
أدخِل العنوان
لمعرفة وقت التوصيل
٨:٠٠ ص - ٨:٣٠ م
•500+ من التقييمات •
9 من التعليقات
Got the chorizo burrito and it was delicious. Not too greasy and just perfect amount of potatoes and chorizo.
so far it's only store that understands what I mean by no cilantro & onion on my food. Usually people take my words but prepare the meal without them which ruins my appetite. I tried this place 3 times and their food & service are perfect everytime!
We had the pastor and asada tacos, nachos and chili rellenos, all were was amazing. Even the rice and beans.
Best food always
very good tasting food
Excellent care
The food is so delicious. Portion sizes are perfect. I highly recommend it.
Their Cocido was delicious, just like abuelita used to make it.
Yes. Bronco's Grill Express delivery is available on Uber Eats in Covina.
Enter your address to see if Bronco's Grill Express delivery is available to your location in Covina.
There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the Bronco's Grill Express menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place, and track your order.
View upfront pricing information for the various items offered by Bronco's Grill Express here on this page.
To save money on the delivery, consider getting an Uber One membership, if available in your area, as one of its perks is a $0 Delivery Fee on select orders.
Payment is handled via your Uber Eats account.