藝集生活 Art Living Cafe
Nanjing East Road Section 3 Lane 303 Alley 8 9, Songshan District, Taipei City 105
Uber Eats 的未營業時間每天
上午11:30 - 下午2:00 • 全日菜單
下午5:00 - 下午8:30 • 全日菜單
上午11:30 - 下午8:30 • 飲品
- 嫩煎海鱸魚佐飛魚醬樹豆料理鮮嫩鱸魚搭配自熬煮魚骨醬汁;選用黃樹豆(粗蛋白質含量高達20%,並含有多種維生素、礦物質等)、高麗菜苗~健康營養!
- 大甲芋頭麵疙瘩與梨山蜜蘋果燉豬頰大甲芋頭肉質較為細膩黏滑粉質高(澱粉含量高),澱粉質達飽和,口感綿密鬆軟,入口即化;豬頰肉彈性十足,很多膠質軟筋,口感類似牛腱~搭配自製蘋果泥與羽衣甘藍、芝麻葉~整體味道鮮美甜嫩。
- 煎烤雞腿塊風乾番茄貝殼麵 (Conchiglie Rigate )嫩煎雞腿肉搭配蘆筍、乾辣椒、風乾番茄與貝殼麵,清爽可口!
- 牛肝菌野菇燉飯非全素,可做蛋奶素,米飯以雞高湯拌炒配菜為綜合菇、牛肝菌、杏包菇搭配溫泉半熟蛋~健康美味!
- 經典巴斯克法式燉牛肉牛筋辣根酸奶醬西班牙經典料理,以紅酒、自製雞高湯、番茄丁、凱莉茴香、檸檬、洋蔥與紅蘿蔔等多種香料燉煮~最後淋上辣根酸奶醬汁;附白飯。
- 南洋綠洲海鮮綠咖哩佐泰國香米飯綠咖哩內含自製雞高湯與魚露下去燉煮,配菜有淡菜、蝦子、透抽、馬鈴薯、檸檬葉、小番茄、香菜等...濃郁的南洋風味。
- 清炒蛤蠣櫛瓜絲圓直麵蛤蠣 櫛瓜 鯷魚麵包粉
- 自製香腸 奶油蕈菇松露貝殼麵蕈菇 松露 自製香腸(豬)
- 西班牙香腸蕃茄燉飯
- 低溫小里肌 辣味噌燉飯自選紅白味噌醬料與米飯拌炒,加入特製低溫舒肥里肌肉;再搭配韓國辣味噌,微辣口感超好吃!
- 風乾蕃茄甜椒鮮蝦細扁麵自製風乾蕃茄 甜椒醬 去殼白蝦
Can I order 藝集生活 Art Living Cafe delivery on Uber Eats?
藝集生活 Art Living Cafe is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 藝集生活 Art Living Cafe that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台北.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台北 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.