No. 469, Section 4, Zhongyang North Road, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日
星期一 - 周六
上午11:30 - 下午2:00 • 全日菜單 Menu
下午5:30 - 下午8:00 • 全日菜單 Menu
人氣精選 Popular Items
- 牛肉鍋 Beef Pot2種蔬菜, 天婦羅片, 貢丸, 九層花枝丸, 米血及美福肉品牛肉。
附白飯, 更換王子麵需備註。
可選擇辣度清香,微辣,小辣,中辣,麻辣 - 菇菇鍋 Assorted Mushroom Pot2種蔬菜, 天婦羅片, 貢丸, 九層花枝丸, 米血, 大香菇, 袖珍菇, 杏鮑菇及金針菇。
附白飯, 更換王子麵需備註。
可選擇辣度清香,微辣,小辣,中辣,麻辣 - 豬肉鍋 Pork Pot2種蔬菜, 天婦羅片, 貢丸, 九層花枝丸, 米血及梅花肉片。
附白飯, 更換王子麵需備註。
可選擇辣度清香,微辣,小辣,中辣,麻辣 - 海鮮鍋 Seafood Pot2種蔬菜, 天婦羅片, 貢丸, 九層花枝丸及米血。
附白飯, 更換王子麵需備註。
可選擇辣度-清香,微辣,小辣,中辣,麻辣 - 鴨血鍋 Duck Blood Jelly Pot2種蔬菜, 天婦羅片, 貢丸, 九層花枝丸, 米血, 鴨血, 豬肉片及皮蛋。
附白飯, 更換王子麵需備註。
Can I order 蒙滷養生麻辣煮 delivery on Uber Eats?
蒙滷養生麻辣煮 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 蒙滷養生麻辣煮 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台北.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台北 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.