Tianmu West Road 105, Beitou District, Taipei City 112
Uber Eats 的未營業時間每天
上午11:00 - 下午8:30
- 肉品來源德國豬腳 (加拿大), 紅酒燴牛肉飯 (美國), 碳烤冷藏菲力 (紐西蘭), 蒜味牛小排 (美國), 巴比美豬肋排 (台灣) 及美國頂級肋眼牛排 (美國)。
人氣精選 Popular
- 德國豬腳套餐 Roasted German pork knuckle with sauerkraut and mustard含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 香烤雞腿排套餐 Roasted chicken steak with Tariyaki sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。(料理時間:40分鐘)
- 蒜味牛小排套餐 (10oz) Roasted Sara short rib with garlic含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。(料理時間:40分鐘。 牛肉熟度為全熟)
- 海鮮總匯套餐 Pan-fried scallops with prawn and salmon含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 美國頂級肋眼牛排套餐 (10oz) U.S. prime rib eye steak含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。牛肉熟度:5~7分熟
套餐 Set menu
- 香煎鮭魚套餐 Pan-fried salmon with lemon mushroom sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 蒜味奶油菲力牛排套餐 (7oz) Pan-fried beef tenderloin with garlic butter含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。牛肉熟度:5~7分熟
- 香辣海鮮墨魚麵套餐 Sepia spaghetti with seafood含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 乳香茄汁蝦仁麵套餐 Spaghetti with shrimps and cream tomato sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 青醬奶油雞肉麵套餐 Spaghetti with chicken and pesto sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 洋菇蔬菜麵套餐 (素食可用) Spaghetti with vegetable and mushroom含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 紅酒燴牛肉飯套餐 Braised beef with bacon and mushroom in red wine sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 碳烤戰斧豬排套餐 Grilled pork steak with mustard seed sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 香煎鯛魚套餐 Pan-fried porgy with pesto sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 碳烤冷藏菲力牛排套餐 (6oz) Grilled beef tenderloin with mushroom or b.p sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。牛肉熟度:5~7分熟
- 法式羊肩排套餐 Roasted lamb chop with mint apple jelly含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。熟度:7分熟
- 蒜味法國小春雞套餐 Roasted spring French chicken with garlic sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 巴比美豬肋排套餐 Barbecue pork spare ribs含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
- 義式番茄乳酪大蝦套餐 Roasted king shrimps with cheese with tomato sauce含開胃菜, 湯品, 沙拉, 甜點, 飲料及麵包。
雙拼套餐 Two kinds of selection
輕食沙拉 Salad
開胃菜 Appetizer
湯品 Soup
麵包 Bread
甜點 Dessert
Can I order 莎諾西餐 delivery on Uber Eats?
莎諾西餐 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 莎諾西餐 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台北.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台北 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.