No. 834, Xingfu Road, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 242
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日
下午1:30 - 下午8:30
星期二 - 星期四
下午1:30 - 下午9:00
下午1:30 - 下午9:30
下午12:30 - 下午9:30
- 琥珀手工鹽滷豆花手工鹽滷豆花,口感滑嫩,天然古法,傳統好味!任選 3 種招牌配料。搭配手抄黑糖甜湯。
- 招牌白玉綜合茶玉2串搭配新品伯爵茶玉+原味白玉,一樣佐宜蘭香濃花生粉,不膩口的香濃純!
- 仙不要草琥珀家純手工嫩仙草凍搭配手炒黑糖,一點回甘,雪些冰,完美至極!//此品項無法去冰//有需要再甜一點請附註!
- 滋養枸杞紅棗木耳甜湯養顏的白木耳搭配紅棗、枸杞、桂圓下去熬煮,僅添加冰糖,無其它添加物,口感柔軟滑順,甜度低,不膩口!低負擔的養身好甜品!
- 樹夏老檸愛玉琥珀家天然愛玉籽洗出,無任何添加物,一口吃的出真食物,招牌愛玉任選 3 種招牌配料。搭配檸檬冬瓜甜湯。
- 鮮!現煮伯爵鮮奶茶現點現煮,伯爵茶天然香濃,搭配鮮奶是完美的午茶飲品!貼心說明:熱品較濃!冷品茶味較淡!
- 初鹿煉乳黑糖冰純粹初鹿煉乳搭配琥珀手炒黑糖, 夏日解膩解憂解熱良品。若需要冰多配料少, 請備註。
Can I order 琥珀豆花 delivery on Uber Eats?
琥珀豆花 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 琥珀豆花 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台北.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台北 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.