暘昕 l 川味烤魚 l 燒烤 l 肥腸魚 l
台中市西屯區漢口路二段257號, Taichung, Tw, 407,
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日 - 星期一
下午5:00 - 上午1:00
星期三 - 周六
下午5:00 - 上午1:00
- 遠赴中國學藝,傳承正宗川菜口味
- 堅持選用成本高的江團魚,刺少味鮮
- 正宗大陸老壇酸菜,口味獨一無二
- 鹽烤台灣鯛需要現烤約30分鐘,還請見諒
- 測試
- 川味烤魚套餐 A含黃豆芽, 香菇, 杏鮑菇, 土豆片, 鴨血, 腐竹及白飯 2 碗。
約3-4人份 - 金沙炒飯
- 醋溜土豆絲
- 牛小排
- 金沙茭白筍
- 乾鍋花椰菜
- 回鍋肉
- 酸菜魚套餐含黃豆芽, 腐竹, 川粉, 金針菇, 鴨血及白飯 2 碗。
約3-4人份 - 麻辣小龍蝦
- 蒜香茄子
- 月亮蝦餅
- 避風塘蝦
- 川味烤魚套餐 A含黃豆芽, 香菇, 杏鮑菇, 土豆片, 鴨血, 腐竹及白飯 2 碗。
約3-4人份 - 酸菜魚套餐含黃豆芽, 腐竹, 川粉, 金針菇, 鴨血及白飯 2 碗。
約3-4人份 - 川味烤魚套餐 B含黃豆芽, 香菇, 杏鮑菇, 土豆片, 鴨血, 蓮藕, 川粉, 五花豬肉片及白飯 2 碗。
Can I order 暘昕 l 川味烤魚 l 燒烤 l 肥腸魚 l delivery on Uber Eats?
暘昕 l 川味烤魚 l 燒烤 l 肥腸魚 l is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 暘昕 l 川味烤魚 l 燒烤 l 肥腸魚 l that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台中.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台中 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.