伊豆 甜品
Sui Tang St. 95, Sinying District, Tainan City 730
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日
下午12:00 - 下午8:00
星期二 - 周六
下午12:00 - 下午8:00
- 店內甜湯及冷飲系列皆不加冰塊, 自熬糖水無果糖, 健康又好吃。
- 木耳蓮子
- 綠豆湯有顆粒。
- 棉花糖巧克力厚片
- 三色綜合豆花
- 紅豆薏仁
- 綠豆薏仁
- 純薏仁
- 蜜豆薏仁
- 巧克力豆花薏仁
- 牛奶豆花薏仁
- 布丁豆花薏仁
- 芋頭薏仁
- 冷凍芋頭
- 巧克力豆花
- 牛奶豆花
- 布丁豆花
- 雙喜薏仁含 2 種配料。
- 奶酥厚片
- 巧克力厚片
Can I order 伊豆 甜品 delivery on Uber Eats?
伊豆 甜品 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 伊豆 甜品 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 臺南.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 臺南 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.