Mr Buff 飽腹先生
Guangfu North Road 8, Songshan District, Taipei City 105
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日
上午10:00 - 下午1:30
星期二 - 周六
- ❗飽腹先生 秉持著“健康好吃“又”實惠“的精神,調整了整個菜單與售價,希望廣大的消費者能夠每天吃得到。
- ❗近期更換多家供應商來控制成本,我們在不改變品質與份量下,降價使價格更平易近人。
- ※我們沒有“飯換菜”或“飯換肉”的服務。
- ※需要"菜多",請升級“青花椰餐盒”。
- ※需要“肉多”,請選擇“超值雙倍肉"或“加購“其他主食。
- ※團體訂購可加Line粉絲團訂購@mrbuffcuisine
- 壽喜燒和牛 Sukiyaki Wagyu Beef
- (超值雙倍)壽喜燒和牛 Sukiyaki Wagyu Beef
- 海南油蔥舒肥雞 Hainanese Sous Vide Chicken Breast標準餐盒 熱量655kcal 蛋白質35g (主食:熱量258kcal 蛋白質23.3g)
- 塔香沙茶舒肥雞 Taiwanese Satay Sauce Sous Vide Chicken Breast標準餐盒 熱量566kcal 蛋白質35g (主食:熱量169kcal 蛋白質23.3g)
- 剝皮辣椒舒肥雞 Peeled Chili Pepper Sous Vide Chicken Breast標準餐盒 熱量588kcal 蛋白質35g (主食:熱量191kcal 蛋白質23.3g)
- 香煎椒鹽松板豬 Grilled Matsusaka Pork標準餐盒 熱量581kcal 蛋白質29.1g (主食:熱量184kcal 蛋白質17.6g)
- 秘滷厚切牛腱(無麻辣醬) Braised Beef Shank標準餐盒 熱量560kcal 蛋白質44.3g (主食:熱量163kcal 蛋白質32.8g)
- 爐烤挪威鯖魚Oven Roasted Mackerel標準餐盒 熱量755kcal 蛋白質29.9g (主食:熱量358kcal 蛋白質18.3g)
- 炙烤阿根廷大魷魚 Oven Roasted Squid標準餐盒 熱量677kcal 蛋白質29.6g (主食:熱量280kcal 蛋白質18.1g)
- 未來肉排(日式濃口)(素) Plant-based Meat Patty (Vegetarian)標準餐盒 熱量479kcal 蛋白質21.5g (主食:熱量82kcal 蛋白質9.9g)
- 未來肉排(法式松露)(素) Plant-based Meat Patty (Vegetarian)
- (超值雙倍)海南油蔥舒肥雞 Hainanese Sous Vide Chicken Breast
- (超值雙倍)塔香沙茶舒肥雞 Taiwanese Satay Sauce Sous Vide Chicken Breast
- (超值雙倍)剝皮辣椒舒肥雞 Peeled Chili Pepper Sous Vide Chicken Breast
Can I order Mr Buff 飽腹先生 delivery on Uber Eats?
Mr Buff 飽腹先生 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to Mr Buff 飽腹先生 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台北.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台北 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.