JBs Diner
No. 2, Alley 16, Lane 38, Tianyu Street, Shilin District, Taipei City, Taiwan 111
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日
上午9:00 - 下午7:30
星期二 - 周六
吃早餐囉 Breakfast
- 優格水果碗Yogurt Bowl附飲料。
新鮮果汁 Fresh Juice
- 葡萄柚薄荷Grapefruit&Mint
- 火龍果鳳梨柳橙Dragon Fruit,Pineapple&Orang Juice
- 奇異果汁Kiwi Juice
- 黃檸檬Lemon Juice
- 100%現榨柳橙汁100% Orange Juice
- 鳳梨蘋果檸檬薄荷Pineapple,Apple,Lemon&Mint
- 奇異果草莓香蕉 Kiwi Strawberry Banana
莓果氣泡飲 Homemade Jam Soda
- 藍莓檸檬Blueberry&Lemon
- 蔓越莓柳橙Cranberry&Orange
- 覆盆莓葡萄柚Raspberry&Grapefruit
甜點 Dessert
- 我阿嬤的胡蘿蔔蛋糕 Judy's Carrot Cake[另有販售10吋整模蛋糕](請來電洽詢/需提前三天時間)
- 檸檬檸檬檸檬蛋糕 Triple Lemony Cake[另有販售10吋整模蛋糕](請來電洽詢/需提前三天時間)
咖啡 Coffee
- 西西里冰咖啡 Sicilian Iced Coffee甜度/冰塊皆為固定無法調整 Ice/sweetness levels may not be adjusted.
- 冰拿鐵 Latte Iced此品項為無糖[無法做去冰]
- 熱拿鐵 Latte Hot此品項為無糖
班尼迪克蛋 Eggs Benedict
- 經典火腿 Classic Hearty Ham火腿/水波蛋/英式馬芬/荷蘭醬/附配菜飲料
poached eggs/toasted English muffin/Ham
熱狗堡 hot dog with bun
- 熱狗堡-辣味牛肉醬 Homemade Chili辣味牛肉醬(純牛肉)/墨西哥辣椒/傑克起司/洋蔥/附飲料
Homemade Chili(100%beef)/jalapeno/mix cheese/onion/served with drink - 熱狗堡-起司通心粉 Mac&Chz綜合起司/起司通心粉/附飲料
mix cheese/macaroni/served with drink - 熱狗堡-經典肉醬 Classic bolognese sauce自製波隆那肉醬(100%牛肉)/帕瑪森起司/洋蔥/附飲料
home made bolognese sauce(100%beef)/Parmesan cheese/onion/served with drink
環保餐具組 Reusable Food Ware
Can I order JBs Diner delivery on Uber Eats?
JBs Diner is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to JBs Diner that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台北.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台北 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
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Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.