Haritts Taipei
松山區復興北路81巷33號1樓, Taipei City, Taipei City 105
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日
下午12:00 - 下午5:00
星期一 - 周六
下午12:00 - 下午6:00
- 塑膠袋(每袋1-10入裝)
- 美式咖啡 Americano熱飲230ML
冰飲(含冰)270ML - 拿鐵咖啡 Cafe latte熱飲(含奶泡)260ML
冰飲280ML - 蜂蜜拿鐵 Honey latte熱飲(含奶泡)280ML
冰飲280ML - 杏仁拿鐵 Almond latte熱飲(含奶泡)280ml
冰飲280ml - 玫瑰拿鐵熱飲(含奶泡)280ML
冰飲280ML - 冰薄荷拿鐵 Ice Mint latte冰飲280ML
- 摩卡拿鐵 Cafe mocha熱飲(含奶泡)280ML
冰飲280ML - 卡布奇諾 Cappuccino熱飲(含奶泡)160ML
冰飲(含冰塊,奶泡)280ML - 檸檬冰美式 Lemon coffee冰飲(含冰)270ML
- (冰)焦糖拿鐵 Caramel coffee latte冰飲280ML
- (熱)焦糖拿鐵 Caramel coffee latte熱飲(含奶泡)280ML
- 抹茶拿鐵 Maccha latte熱飲260ml
(圖片為冰抹茶) - 冰桂花烏龍拿鐵 Ice osmanthus oolong tea latte冰飲(含冰)260ml
其他加購 Others
- 塑膠袋 (每袋1~10入裝)環保署正式宣告「購物用塑膠袋限制使用對象、實施方式及實施日期」,將自107年1月1日起共計14類管制對象(約10萬家業者)不得免費提供購物用塑膠袋,且將取消購物用塑膠袋厚度管制。
- 紙盒 (10入裝)
- 紙盒 (6入裝)
- (冰)紅玉紅茶 Black tea冰飲330ml
- (熱)鮮奶茶 Milk tea熱飲260ml
- (熱)紅玉紅茶 Black tea熱飲240ml
Other Drinks
Can I order Haritts Taipei delivery on Uber Eats?
Haritts Taipei is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to Haritts Taipei that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台北.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台北 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.