Chicken Plus 咕咕家韓式炸雞 公益店
Gongyi Road Section 2 & Gongyi Road Section 1, Nantun District, Taichung City 408
Uber Eats 的未營業時間每天
上午11:30 - 下午8:00
- 1. 本餐廳使用肉品之原產地二節翅 (台灣 )、翅小腿 (台灣)、棒棒腿 (美國)、雞腿排 (美國)
- 2. 圖片僅供參考及口味挑選用依餐廳實際供應為準
- 3. 商品恕不接受客製化服務
- 4. 因應環保署公告,店家不得免費提供購物用環保袋請至加點區購買每筆訂單酌收餐點包裝費2元
- 個人獨享餐 (雪花起司炸雞) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 個人獨享餐 (韓式辣醬炸雞) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 個人獨享餐 (韓式糖醋炸雞) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 個人獨享餐 (洋蔥奶油炸雞) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 個人獨享餐 (原味脆皮炸雞) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 個人獨享餐 (招牌酥脆炸雞) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 個人獨享餐 (韓式蜜汁炸雞) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 雙人分享餐 (半半) 約1000g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 雙人分享餐 (原) 約1000g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 炸雞腿 (原) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 炸雞腿 (醬) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 無骨雞腿排 (原) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 無骨雞腿排 (醬) 約500g韓式炸雞、醃白蘿蔔1份、飲料1罐
- 炸薯條
- 韓式炸熱狗
- 洋蔥圈
Can I order Chicken Plus 咕咕家韓式炸雞 公益店 delivery on Uber Eats?
Chicken Plus 咕咕家韓式炸雞 公益店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to Chicken Plus 咕咕家韓式炸雞 公益店 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台中.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台中 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.