No. 144, Section 3, Beiping Road, Beitun District, Taichung City, Taiwan 406
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日 - 星期一
下午12:25 - 下午2:45 • 全日菜單 Menu
下午5:30 - 下午7:45 • 全日菜單 Menu
星期二 - 周六
人氣精選 Popular Items
- 橄欖油海鮮義大利麵 Seafood Pasta with Olive Oil
- 奶油白酒蛤蜊麵 Clam Pasta with White Wine and Cream Sauce
- 茄汁肉醬義大利麵 Pasta with Bolognese Sauce豬肉產地:台灣
- 茄汁海鮮燉飯 Seafood Risotto with Tomato Sauce
- 燻雞柳青醬燉飯 Risotto with Smoked Chicken and Pesto Sauce雞肉產地:台灣
義大利麵系列 Pasta
- 茄汁肉醬義大利麵 Pasta with Bolognese Sauce豬肉產地:台灣
- 燻雞柳青麵醬 Pasta with Smoked Chicken and Pesto Sauce雞肉產地:台灣
- Xo炒干貝珠義大利麵 Pasta with Stir-Fried Scallop and XO Sauce
- 茄汁海鮮義大利麵 Seafood Pasta with Tomato Sauce
- 蛤蜊培根奶油麵 Bacon Pasta with Clams and Cream Sauce培根產地:台灣
- 香辣義大利麵 Spicy Pasta
- 蛤蜊培根青醬麵 Bacon Pasta with Clams and Cream Sauce培根產地:台灣
- 煙燻鮭魚奶油麵 Pasta with Smoked Salmon and Cream Sauce
- 辣味茄汁義大利麵 Spicy Pasta with Tomato Sauce
- 清炒蔬時義大利麵 Pasta with Stir-Fried Seasonal Vegetable
- 南瓜培根義大利麵 Bacon Pasta with Pumpkin培根產地:台灣
- 粉紅醬香腸義大利麵香腸產地:台灣
- 奶油玉米火腿義大利麵 Pasta with Ham and Butter Corn
- 酢醬義大利麵 Pasta with Soybean Paste
- 鮮蝦魚卵義大利麵 Pasta with Roe and Shrimp
炒飯系列 Stir-Fried Rice
燴飯系列 Stewed Rice
濃湯系列 Chowder
沙拉系列 Salad
飲品系列 Beverage
單點系列 A La Carte
素食餐系列 Vegetarian
Can I order chef主廚義式餐廳 delivery on Uber Eats?
chef主廚義式餐廳 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to chef主廚義式餐廳 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台中.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台中 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.