B&B 義大利麵/燉飯創作料理
Kaixuan 1st Road 248, Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日
下午12:00 - 下午9:00
星期一 - 周六
★超值套餐★ 濃湯+麵包+主餐任選1+飲料任選1
- 超值套餐SETS濃湯+麵包+主餐任選1+飲料任選1
開胃前餐 starter
- 炸魚薯條(塔塔醬)
- ★松露薯條
- 本日湯品與佐餐麵包
- 焗烤手工鹹派 fresh baked quiche
- 綜合炸物拚盤(塔塔醬)
- 手切培根青醬起司燉飯/麵
- 北海道干貝奶油海鮮燉飯/麵
- 煎鮭魚奶油明太子義大利麵/飯
- 香腸松露牛肝菌菇鮮蔬燉飯
- 青花椒麻奶油雞肉燉飯/麵
★UBER獨家★ 自由搭配
- 自由搭配
甜點 dessert
- 現烤麻糬鬆餅(附果醬) pancakes platter
- 巧克力蛋糕冰淇淋拼盤Chocolate cake platter
- 蜂蜜檸檬 honey lemon tea
- ★嘉士伯無酒精啤酒
- 冰/熱拿鐵 ice/hot latte
- 冰/熱花果茶 ice/hot herbal and fruit tea
- 多多冰茶 yakult ice tea
- 冰/熱美式 ice/hot americano
Can I order B&B 義大利麵/燉飯創作料理 delivery on Uber Eats?
B&B 義大利麵/燉飯創作料理 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to B&B 義大利麵/燉飯創作料理 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 高雄.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 高雄 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.