頂尖高手無骨夢幻鹹酥雞 永康店
106台湾台北市大安區永康街15-8號, 台北市 106
Uber Eats 的未營業時間每天
下午12:00 - 上午12:00
客製化選項加料區 Customizations
- 客製化選項加料區 Customizations
人氣精選 Popular Items
- 夢幻套餐1號 No.1 Fantastic Combo單人套餐。每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Serving for one person. Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 無骨夢幻鹽酥雞 Taiwanese Deep-Fried Chicken每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 夢幻套餐2號 No.2 Fantastic Combo雙人套餐。每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Serving for two people. Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 夢幻套餐3號 No.3 Fantastic Combo多人套餐。每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Serving for more than two people. Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 大甲奶香芋頭
- 馬玲大薯條新商品 人氣首選
王牌美食區 Top Popular
- 無骨夢幻鹽酥雞 Taiwanese Deep-Fried Chicken每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 美式洋蔥圈 Deep-Fried Onion Ring每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 夢幻爆汁雞排 Deep-Fried Juicy Chicken Chop每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 貝克漢黃金魷魚腳 Deep-Fried Squid Leg每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 中華雞蛋豆腐 Deep-Fried Egg Tofu每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 全身都是蛋的柳葉魚 Deep-Fried Shishamo每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 深海大魷魚肉身 Deep-Fried Squid每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 黃金三角雞軟骨 Deep-Fried Chicken Cartilage每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 一定要吃的魷魚中圈 Deep-Fried Squid Ring每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 濃郁乳酪起士條 Cheese Sticks每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 極品美味𩵚魠魚 Deep-Fried Spanish Mackerel Fish Ball每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor.
台灣道地點心區 Taiwanese Local Snack
- 炸甜不辣 Deep-Fried Tempura每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor. - 炸包大人豬血糕 Deep-Fried Pig Blood Cake每張訂單限選擇統一客製化選項,限購一份,如不加購將以原味製作。
Each order is limited to a customization option, if not selected will be made with original flavor.
健康蔬菜區 Vegetables
獨特醬汁串燒區 Special Sauce Skewer
兒童點心區 Kid's Snack
Can I order 頂尖高手無骨夢幻鹹酥雞 永康店 delivery on Uber Eats?
頂尖高手無骨夢幻鹹酥雞 永康店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 頂尖高手無骨夢幻鹹酥雞 永康店 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 台北.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 台北 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
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Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.