雞房重地鹽水雞 中壢海華店
桃園市中壢區九和一街6號taoyuan, 中壢區 320taiwan, 百老匯宮廷樓上,
Uber Eats 的未營業時間每天
下午12:00 - 上午3:00
人氣精選 Popular Items
- 1/4雞 去骨Portion of Chicken若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
- 半雞 去骨
- 全雞 去骨
套餐 Combo
- 1/4 雞及任選 5 樣 1/4 Portion of Chicken and Choose any of 5 Items
- 任選 7 樣 Choose any of 7 Items
- 半雞及任選 5 樣 Half Portion of Chicken and Choose any of 5 Items
- 1/4 雞及任選 2 樣 1/4 Portion of Chicken and Choose any of 2 Items
- 半雞及任選 2 樣 Half Portion of Chicken and Choose any of 2 Items
- 全雞及任選 5 樣 Whole Chicken and Choose any of 5 Items
- 全雞及任選 11 樣 Whole Chicken and Choose any of 11 Items
鹽水雞 Salted Chicken
- 半雞 去骨 脆皮鹽水雞 Half Portion of the Crispy Salted Chicken若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
- 半雞 去骨 泰式椒麻雞 Thai Style Pepper Chicken若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
內臟 Organ
- 雞胗 Chicken Gizzard若此餐點售完,將以同等價格代替。若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
Will be replaced by the same price item if sold out. - 雞肝 Chicken Liver若此餐點售完,將以同等價格代替。若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
Will be replaced by the same price item if sold out. - 雞冠 Chicken Comb若此餐點售完,將以同等價格代替。若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
Will be replaced by the same price item if sold out. - 雞生腸 Chicken Intestines若此餐點售完,將以同等價格代替。若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
Will be replaced by the same price item if sold out. - 雞脖子 Chicken Neck(買一送一)若此餐點售完,將以同等價格代替。若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
Will be replaced by the same price item if sold out. - 雞屁股 Chicken Buttock(買一送一)若此餐點售完,將以同等價格代替。若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
Will be replaced by the same price item if sold out.
單點 A La Carte
- 百頁 Shuttered Bean Curd若此餐點售完,將以同等價格代替。若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
Will be replaced by the same price item if sold out. - 皮蛋 Preserved Eggs若此餐點售完,將以同等價格代替。若不需要蔥, 薑及蒜請於備註中註明。
Will be replaced by the same price item if sold out.
蔬菜 Vegetable
Can I order 雞房重地鹽水雞 中壢海華店 delivery on Uber Eats?
雞房重地鹽水雞 中壢海華店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 雞房重地鹽水雞 中壢海華店 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 桃園.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 桃園 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.