台南市中西區友愛街50號 Tainan, 中西區 700 Taiwan,
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日
上午10:30 - 下午1:45 • 全日菜單 Menu
下午5:00 - 下午9:00 • 全日菜單 Menu
星期一 - 星期二
上午10:00 - 下午1:45 • 全日菜單 Menu
下午5:00 - 下午9:00 • 全日菜單 Menu
上午10:00 - 下午1:45 • 全日菜單 Menu
星期四 - 周六
上午10:00 - 下午1:45 • 全日菜單 Menu
下午5:00 - 下午9:00 • 全日菜單 Menu
人氣精選 Popular Items
- 經典原味鍋燒 Classic Original Pot新鮮食材,每日熬煮鮮高湯,口味鮮甜
- 潮汕海鮮鍋燒 Chaoshan Seafood Pot濃郁鮮美的海鮮湯底,搭配Q彈麵條,口感豐富,滿滿潮汕風味,帶來極致的鮮香享受。
- 北海道起司鍋燒 Hokkaido Cheese Pot很濃郁的湯頭,料很實在,吃了胃都暖暖的
- 越氏河內海鮮鍋燒 Vietnam Hanoi Seafood Pot越南口味鍋燒麵,味道特別濃醇溫順
- 剁椒海鮮鍋燒 Seafood Pot with Chopped Chili滿滿辣椒辣度不會太過,香麻帶勁和濃稠蛋液根本靈魂伴侶
鍋燒 Pot
- 古早味沙茶鍋燒 Traditional Shacha Sauce Pot
- 蒜香泡菜鍋燒 Kimchi Pot with Garlic
小菜 Side Dish
- 胡麻佐黃瓜 Cucumber with Sesame Sauce
- 蒜香泡菜 Kimchi with Garlic
- 高山嫩筍 Taiwan Bamboo
飲品 Beverage
- 養顏莓果茶 Berry Tea
- 被鍋燒耽誤的冬瓜檸檬 White Gourd Lemon Drink
- 厚奶茶 Rich Milk Tea
Can I order 鍋燒匠人 delivery on Uber Eats?
鍋燒匠人 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 鍋燒匠人 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 臺南.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 臺南 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.