童鍋 秀泰樹林店
No. 40-6, Shuxin Road, Shulin District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 238
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日
星期一 - 星期四
上午11:30 - 下午8:30
周五 - 周六
美味湯底 Soup Base
- 純蔬菜昆布湯 Vegetable and Kombu Soup熟食。先選湯底再選肉。童鍋招牌湯底, 純蔬菜熬煮, 不添加調味料, 健康又清爽。附白飯, 冬粉及醬料。
- 濃純鮮奶湯底 Rich Fresh Milk Soup Base熟食。先選湯底再選肉。純鮮奶不加水, 香濃美味。附白飯, 冬粉及醬料。
- 義式蕃茄湯底 Italian Tomato Soup Base熟食。先選湯底再選肉。新鮮蕃茄製成湯底, 義式香料帶出義式風味。附白飯, 冬粉及醬料。
- 壽喜燒風味湯底 Sukiyaki Flavor Soup Base熟食。先選湯底再選肉。童鍋獨特壽喜燒, 不出國也享用到日式風味喜燒。附白飯, 冬粉及醬料。
- 日式牛奶味噌湯底 Japanese Miso with Milk Soup Base熟食。先選湯底再選肉。添加些許味噌, 增加日式風味。附白飯, 冬粉及醬料。
即享素食鍋 Vegetarian Pot
- 素食鍋 Vegetarian Pot熟食。純蔬菜素食湯底, 清爽健康。附白飯, 冬粉及素醬料。
美味火鍋料 Hot Pot Ingredients
- 小貢丸 Meatball3 顆。
- 豬血糕 Pig Blood Rice Cake3 條。
- 蝦餃 Shrimp Dumpling3 條。
- 凍豆腐 Frozen Tofu3 塊。
- 乾豆皮 Dried Bean Curd Sheet3 塊。
- 綜合火鍋料 A 組合 Assorted Hot Pot Ingredients Combo A含小貢丸 2 顆, 豬血糕 2 條及鳥蛋 2 顆。恕不提供更換。
- 綜合火鍋料 B 組合 Assorted Hot Pot Ingredients Combo B含小貢丸 2 顆, 豬血糕 2 條, 鳥蛋 2 顆, 蝦餃 2 條及凍豆腐 2 塊。恕不提供更換。
美味海鮮 Seafood
- 白蝦 White Shrimp2 隻。
- 蛤蠣 Clam5 顆。
- 鱸魚 Sea Bass3 片。
- 鮭魚 Salmon3 片。
- 蚵仔 Oyster50 克。
Can I order 童鍋 秀泰樹林店 delivery on Uber Eats?
童鍋 秀泰樹林店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 童鍋 秀泰樹林店 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 板橋.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 板橋 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
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Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.