台南市東區裕忠路122號 Tainan, 東區 701 Taiwan,
Uber Eats 的未營業時間每天
上午11:00 - 下午3:30 • 全日菜單
下午5:00 - 下午8:30 • 全日菜單
- (生鮮)雪花牛私藏鍋物生鮮外帶套餐內含:鍋底1600ml、越光米飯、綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、Choice雪花牛5oz(約140克±5%)、主廚特製沾醬
- (素生鮮)窩星養生素食鍋(全素可)生鮮外帶套餐:鍋底1600ml、越光米飯、素食綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、綜合嚴選素食火鍋料、主廚特製沾醬
- (生鮮)牛五花私藏鍋物生鮮外帶套餐內含:鍋底1600ml、越光米飯、綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、Choice牛五花5oz (約140克±5%)、主廚特製沾醬
- (生鮮)梅花豬私藏鍋物生鮮外帶套餐內含:鍋底1600ml、越光米飯、綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、梅花豬5oz(約140克±5%)、主廚特製沾醬
- (生鮮)松阪豬私藏鍋物生鮮外帶套餐內含:鍋底1600ml、越光米飯、綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、頂級松阪豬5oz(約140克±5%)、主廚特製沾醬
- (熟食)梅花豬個人鍋熟食外帶套餐內含:梅花豬個人鍋、越光米飯、綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、梅花豬5oz (約140克±5%)、主廚特製沾醬
- (熟食)雪花牛個人鍋熟食外帶套餐內含:雪花牛個人鍋、越光米飯、綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、Choice雪花牛5oz (約140克±5%)、主廚特製沾醬
- (熟食)養生素食個人鍋熟食外帶套餐內含:窩星養生素食個人鍋、越光米飯、綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、手工素食火鍋料、主廚特製沾醬
- (熟食)牛五花個人鍋熟食外帶套餐內含:牛五花個人鍋、越光米飯、綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、Choice牛五花5oz (約140克±5%)、主廚特製沾醬
- (熟食)松阪豬個人鍋熟食外帶套餐內含:松阪豬個人鍋、越光米飯、綜合蔬菜盤、特選飲品、松阪豬5oz (約140克±5%)、主廚特製沾醬
- 紅茶歐蕾
- 香醇拿鐵
- 香檸沁涼綠茶
- 美式咖啡
Can I order 窩星鍋物 delivery on Uber Eats?
窩星鍋物 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 窩星鍋物 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 臺南.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 臺南 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.