礁溪路四段 88, 大義村, 宜蘭縣 262003
Uber Eats 的未營業時間每天
上午8:30 - 下午3:00
- 特此告知,造成不便之處,敬請見諒。
- 全台原物料上漲,外送平台抽%抽的很兇,部分餐店會在外送平台上提高售價。
- 商品恕不接受客製化服務
- 本餐廳使用肉品之原產地:台灣豬肉【不含萊克多巴胺】
- 若有任何疑問,請連繫平台線上客服
渣明治ZandWich + 超值飲品
- 板烤菲力雞排歐姆蛋【韓式吐司】附飲品|菲力雞排、起司片、歐姆蛋
- 100%純牛起司蛋【韓式吐司】100%純牛起司蛋【韓式吐司】
- 三星蔥豬排歐姆蛋【韓式吐司】附飲品|三星蔥、葛瑪蘭黑豬、起司、歐姆蛋
- 嫩煎蘋果雞起司蛋【韓式吐司】自製韓國蘋果醬、菲力雞排、起司片、歐姆蛋、手作鮮奶吐司
- 火腿起司歐姆蛋【韓式吐司】附飲品|窯燒火腿片、起司、歐姆蛋
- 起司歐姆蛋Mr.Egg【韓式吐司】附飲品|【方便素】內有三星蔥;歐姆蛋、起司
- 培根雙層起司歐姆蛋【韓式吐司】附飲品|培根、起司片×2、歐姆蛋
- 剛好芋見泥【韓式吐司】附飲品|大甲芋泥、肉鬆
- 鴨賞三蔥起司厚蛋【韓式吐司】附飲品|三星蔥、蘭陽鴨賞、起司片、歐姆蛋
- 芋泥Oreo焦糖餅乾【韓式吐司】Lotus比利時焦糖餅乾、大甲芋泥、Oreo脆片、鮮奶吐司
木乃伊炒泡MEN + 超值飲品
- 菲力雞肉 炒泡MEN附飲品|獨創台式風味炒泡MEN
- 三星蔥鴨賞 炒泡MEN鴨賞季來臨|蘭陽名產三星蔥
附飲品|獨創台式風味炒泡MEN - 香炒培根 炒泡MEN附飲品|獨創台式風味炒泡MEN
豬肉原產地:臺灣 - 蔬食青菜 炒泡MEN【方便素】內有蒜泥、洋蔥,沒有全素
- Oreo巧脆【生吐司】吐司界的LV
Can I order 渣明治ZandWich delivery on Uber Eats?
渣明治ZandWich is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 渣明治ZandWich that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 宜蘭.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 宜蘭 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.