城隍廟夜市 可點可麗餅
新竹市東區東前街4-1號 Hsinchu, 東區 300 Taiwan,
Uber Eats 的未營業時間星期日 - 星期一
星期二 - 星期三
下午1:05 - 下午6:00
下午1:18 - 下午4:31
- 原味可麗餅只有餅皮 小朋友和狗狗都可以吃喔(可蛋奶素)
- 🔥巧克力可麗餅薄脆餅皮 滿滿巧克力
- 🔥花生可麗餅薄脆餅皮 滿滿花生醬加花生粉喔
- 奶油起士可麗餅薄脆餅皮 奶油加起士 鹹甜鹹甜
- 奶油可麗餅薄脆的餅皮 奶油口味鹹甜鹹甜
- 藍莓可麗餅薄脆餅皮 滿滿藍莓醬
- 奶酥可麗餅薄脆餅皮 滿滿奶酥抹醬
- 草莓可麗餅薄脆餅皮 滿滿草莓醬
- 香蒜可麗餅薄脆餅皮 滿滿香蒜味
- 煉乳可麗餅薄脆餅皮 香濃煉乳
- 焦糖可麗餅薄脆餅皮 香甜焦糖
- 🔥榛果巧克力可麗餅薄脆餅皮 金沙口感的巧克力醬
- 綠抹茶薄脆餅皮 香濃綠抹茶味道
微甜而不膩 - 奶油海苔薄脆餅皮 香濃奶油配上海苔白芝麻 微鹹甜營養滿分
- 布丁奶酥薄脆餅皮 香濃布丁味道奶酥
- 黑糖薄脆餅皮 香濃黑糖漿
- 黑芝麻薄脆餅皮 養生黑芝麻醬
- 鹽奶油薄脆口感 日本鹽奶油~淡淡鹹味奶油
- 芋頭奶酥薄脆餅皮、搭配淡奶香芋頭抹醬~再撒紫薯粉~芋頭控不可錯過
- 🔥巧克力起士可麗餅薄脆餅皮、加上微苦甜巧克力和鹹香起士搭配~超讚👍
Can I order 城隍廟夜市 可點可麗餅 delivery on Uber Eats?
城隍廟夜市 可點可麗餅 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 城隍廟夜市 可點可麗餅 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 新竹.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 新竹 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.