上興鹹酥雞 雞排 炸物
高雄市鳳山區安寧街105 號 Kaohsiung, 鳳山區 830 Taiwan,
Closed on Uber EatsClosed on Uber Eats as of Sep 4, 2023.
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Every Day
4:00 PM - 11:59 PM
- 招牌泰式酸甜鹹酥雞
- 泰式炸皮蛋2 粒。
- 迷你煉乳銀絲卷5 粒。
- 包餡 QQ 球10 粒。
- 迷你熱狗球5 粒。
- 無骨鹹酥雞
- 雞軟骨
- 三角骨
- 雞皮
- 魷米花
- 雞蛋豆腐
- 四季豆1 份。
- 高麗菜1 份。
- 玉米筍1 份。
- 香菇
- 黃金魚蛋5 粒。
- 花枝丸3 粒。
- 七里香1 串。
- 雞心1 串。
- 貢丸3 粒。
- 薯條1 份。
- 雞肉香腸3條/份
- 台中甜不辣1 份。
- 小肉豆1 份。
- 地瓜薯條1 份。
- 黃金小胖狗2 條。
- 煙燻豆皮
- 手工脆大黑輪
- 米血
- 芋粿
- 手工 Q 大黑輪
- 糯米腸
- 百頁豆腐
- 熱狗3 條。
- 魚板
- 蘿蔔糕
- 蛋餅皮
Can I order 上興鹹酥雞 雞排 炸物 delivery on Uber Eats?
上興鹹酥雞 雞排 炸物 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 上興鹹酥雞 雞排 炸物 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in Kaohsiung.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in Kaohsiung offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.