Sheetz - 18717 Longmeadow Rd (145)
18717 Longmeadow Rd, Hagerstown, MD 21742
Closed on Uber EatsClosed on Uber Eats as of Oct 3, 2024.
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Store 145
- 1.3 ozClearblue Pregnancy Test
- 414 mlFairlife Reduced Fat Ultra Filtered Milk, Strawberry (414 ml)
- 3.67 ozPop-Tarts Frosted Toaster Pastries, S'mores (3.67 oz, 2 ct)
- 500 mlPure Life Purified Water (500 ml)
- 1.84 ozJack Link's Original Beef Stick (1.84 oz)
- Cinnapocketz - 20 Piece
- Garden of Eatin Half
- 4.23 ozSheetz 100% Colombian Medium Ground Coffee (4.23 oz, 12 ct)
- 13.7 fl ozStarbucks Frappuccino Chilled Coffee Drink, Mocha (13.7 fl oz)
- Classic Sampler
- 6Midol Complete Pain Relief
- 20 fl ozCoca-Cola Original Soda (20 fl oz)
- Black Raspberry Frozen Lemonade Regular
- Lil' Drug Store Pepto-Bismol Stomach Reliever Tablets (6 ct)
- 11.5 fl ozSimply Orange Juice Drink, Orange (11.5 fl oz)