290+ Ratings
4.9 x (290+) • Desserts • American • Ice Cream • $ • Info
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28171 Marguerite Parkway, #23, Mission Viejo, CA 92691
290+ Ratings
"These cookies are to die for! Super soft, fall apart- the perfect gift for cookie lovers! Cute packaging! My go-to for cute delivery gifts! Thank you!"
"Always the very best! LOVE your little notes- will always order your amazing cookies!"
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11:00 AM - 9:30 PM
•290+ Ratings •
13 Reviews
Browned butter toffee ice cream was uh-mazing! yum yum!
Always the very best! LOVE your little notes- will always order your amazing cookies!
Cookies and cream cookies hands down best cookies ever
Yummy warm cookies!
Best cookies, better than Crumble, because they offer cookies with nuts.
So yummy!
Best flavor cookies and cream
These cookies are to die for! Super soft, fall apart- the perfect gift for cookie lovers! Cute packaging! My go-to for cute delivery gifts! Thank you!
The best cookies!! Way better than crumble
their s'mores cookie is the best!!!
By far the best cookies. You will not be disappointed 😌
The best tasting cookies!
Yes. Milk & Cookies (Mission Viejo) delivery is available on Uber Eats in Mission Viejo.
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There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the Milk & Cookies (Mission Viejo) menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place, and track your order.
View upfront pricing information for the various items offered by Milk & Cookies (Mission Viejo) here on this page.
To save money on the delivery, consider getting an Uber One membership, if available in your area, as one of its perks is a $0 Delivery Fee on select orders.
Payment is handled via your Uber Eats account.
If you’re in need of some suggestions for your Milk & Cookies (Mission Viejo) order, check out the items showcased in “Picked for you” on this page.
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