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La Rueda - Fort Worth

La Rueda - Fort Worth

4.7 xStar (350+)MexicanLatin AmericanNew Mexican$$Info

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2317 Oakland Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76103

La Rueda - Fort Worth is a Mexican restaurant located in the West Meadowbrook neighborhood of Fort Worth. This eatery is known for its hearty Mexican breakfast options, featuring popular dishes such as Huevos A... More
La Rueda - Fort Worth is a Mexican restaurant located in the West Meadowbrook neighborhood of Fort Worth. This eatery is known for its hearty Mexican breakfast options, featuring popular dishes such as Huevos A La Mexicana, the Texas Omelet, and Chilaquiles. La Mexicana, Texas Omelet, and La Rueda Special are among the favorites here. The menu offers a variety of Mexican classics throughout the day, including tacos, tamales, and a selection of Mexican sodas like Mexican Coke and Fanta. The Texas Omelet, served with hashbrowns, is commonly ordered together, highlighting a preference for traditional breakfast fare with a Tex-Mex twist. Less
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7:30 AM - 3:00 PM


7:30 AM – 3:00 PM

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