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Jamba (5629 Kanan Road)

Jamba (5629 Kanan Road)

5.0 x (47)Juice and SmoothiesHealthyBreakfast and BrunchVegetarianBowls$Info

5629 Kanan Road

Located in Agoura Hills, Jamba (5629 Kanan Road) is a Juice and Smoothies shop known for its wide array of blended beverages and health-conscious food options. The establishment offers a variety of smoothies an... More
Located in Agoura Hills, Jamba (5629 Kanan Road) is a Juice and Smoothies shop known for its wide array of blended beverages and health-conscious food options. The establishment offers a variety of smoothies and juices, including popular choices like Pomegranate Paradise™, Razzmatazz®, Protein Berry Workout Whey, and Orange C-Booster™. In addition to drinks, they serve a selection of bakery items such as Belgian Waffles and Turkey Sausage Wraps, and bowls like the Acai Primo and Dragon Fruit Delight. With a customer rating around 4.4, it's a go-to spot particularly around midday for a refreshing and nutritious boost. Less
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Every Day

8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Additional information can be found by viewing Jamba's Nutrition Click Here and Allergen Click Here guides.