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El Indio

El Indio

4.6 xStar (800+)MexicanLatin AmericanNew Mexican$Info

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3695 India St, San Diego, CA 92103

El Indio is a Mexican restaurant located in the Middletown neighborhood of San Diego, popular for its evening service and rated 4.2 stars. The menu features a variety of Mexican classics such as enchiladas, inc... More
El Indio is a Mexican restaurant located in the Middletown neighborhood of San Diego, popular for its evening service and rated 4.2 stars. The menu features a variety of Mexican classics such as enchiladas, including cheese and shredded beef options, and taquitos, with the Three Taquito with Everything being a standout. Notable dips include a selection of guacamole and salsas, with the 1/2 pint Guacamole being particularly popular among Uber Eats users, often ordered alongside the Soft Grilled Chicken Taco. For those looking for a quick bite, El Indio also offers a small bag of chips, which is another favorite. Less
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Sunday - Monday

9:00 AM - 7:00 PM


9:00 AM - 7:15 PM

Wednesday - Saturday

9:00 AM - 7:00 PM


9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
